The proven leader in leak detection and automatic water shut off.

The WaterCop system utilizes an automatic shut-off valve installed on the water supply line of a home or commercial building. When sensors detect a leak, a signal is sent to the shut-off valve and water flow is quickly stopped to downstream areas reducing the chance of major flooding.



IntroducingSmartConnectWI-FI & MOBILE APP INTERFACE

The smart way to stay connected to your WaterCop Leak detection and automatic shut-off system. SmartConnect works through the Water Cop app to provide system alerts, notifications, and remote control of your WaterCop system.



Commercial Systems

Whether it’s an apartment or condo complex or high rise office building, WaterCop can stop leaks and prevent costly damage.

Residential Systems

WaterCop protects your home and irreplaceable memories from potential water damage caused by common plumbing leaks and flooding.


How can we help you?

To learn more about how WaterCop detects and automatically stops plumbing leaks in your home or commercial building, contact us today.