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Ready for the Future

Walk through a family neighborhood 30 years from now and you’ll discover houses with high-tech nerve centers. Home-based technologies will promote automated decision making for everything from the most energy efficient ways to provide heating and cooling, to scheduling and handling package deliveries (drop-shipped by drones), to even monitoring the health and wellbeing of the family residents. In effect, the houses and buildings we will live and work within will have intuitive and interactive characteristics to improve living conditions for homeowners, the community and ultimately our planet.

These are some findings of two independent research studies, one by a UK-based firm focused on sustainable practices and risk management for residences of the future, and another by an American engineering group. Let’s take a closer look at some of the common themes that appear throughout these reports that explore what homes may be like in the mid 21st Century. 

Building toward the future. 

Glimpse a few decades into the future and, according to these studies, you will see homes and buildings with flexible, adaptive characteristics to stay in step with an ever-changing environment and world. Here are three examples:

Sustainable urban living centers – Estimates indicate that by 2050, nearly 70 percent of the population will live in cities. People will need to do more with less, eliminate waste, and be more “green.” This means sustainable innovations such as solar-powered heating and cooling with ultra-thin insulation films that may allow some homes to come off the community power grid. Rooftop and backyard gardens capable of producing fresh fruits and vegetables, and plug-in stations for electric-powered vehicles will also become the norm, not the exception. 

“Smart” homes and living – Monitors throughout each residence will help to keep families safe and comfortable and will immediately alert inhabitants when things like a plumbing leak, appliance malfunction, or security breach occurs. The home will then take action to remedy the situation on its own or suggest solutions that can easily be followed up on by the homeowner. These monitors may even be able to monitor the temperature and health of each resident and indicate when medical care is necessary. 

Virtual decor – With smaller home living spaces, there will be less room for wall hangings and decorations. But innovation will prevail with green screens on walls that will allow occupants to choose their favorite paintings and photos, and change them whenever they want. This will allow people to design and remodel their homes even on limited budgets, and will provide an added sense of individuality and style in every living space. 

WaterCop: Innovation designed for now and the years to come. 

This look into the future reveals homes and buildings that are intuitive and provide information and solutions that help to protect investments, provide peace of mind, and improve quality of life. WaterCop has been designed to protect investments, provide peace of mind, and improve quality of life since the year 2000. 

The WaterCop system utilizes an automatic shut-off valve installed on the water supply line of a home or commercial building. When sensors detect a leak, a signal is sent to the shut-off valve and water flow is quickly stopped to downstream areas, reducing the chance of major flooding. Plus, the SmartConnect WiFi and mobile app interface provides remote control and notification from the WaterCop system of valve position. 

No one knows what the future truly holds. But WaterCop will be ready with innovative and adaptable technology to help eliminate water waste, protect against home damage, and provide homeowners with the peace of mind they deserve. If you would like to learn more about everything we have to offer, we invite you to explore the details within our website or feel free to contact us at 800-545-3636.