WaterCop automated PVC shut-off valves are designed for PVC plumbing systems commonly found in new construction, irrigation and agriculture. Sizes are available from 1/2″ to 2″. The automated PVC systems provide the same advanced leak detection and automatic water shut-off as the other Pro systems. The WaterCop Pro system adds valuable features like an improved user interface and flexible installation options. WaterCop Pro can be customized to work with any plumbing system and is ideal for custom-built or expansive homes, multi-family, condominium or commercial use where combinations of hardwired and wireless sensors communicate with an indoor shut-off valve. WaterCop Pro provides the most complete plumbing leak protection while offering the most flexible installation options and third party monitoring/security integration. The WaterCop Pro System can be customized to fit any plumbing configuration. WaterCop ClassicDesigned for a typical single-family home or vacation residence and offers thorough plumbing leak protection. WaterCop Leak Stop+ Single point leak detection and automatic shut-off system with audible alarm and smart phone notification capability. WaterCop Pro CommercialProvides central monitoring and control for complete leak protection and automatic shutoff in commercial buildings.WaterCop Pro PVC Valves
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