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WaterCop Blog - Page 2

Deep Trouble The Multi-Faceted Challenges of Home Water Damage

You may have read in our last blog that nearly 25 percent of all homeowners have experienced some form of water damage. While this sounds ominous by itself, the lasting effects of water damage on your house can have negative and costly implications for years to come.

A Year ‘Round Guide to Protecting Your Home from Water Damage

As we head further into the new year, it’s important to realize that protecting your home from water damage is not a “one-and-done” proposition. To safeguard your house (and second home) from the detrimental effects of unexpected moisture and water, it is important to take precautions throughout the year.

Fix a Leak Week Tips for Protecting Your Home From Water Damage

Did you know that simple household leaks cause nearly one-trillion gallons of water waste each year? While water waste is bad enough, it often results in water damage and the average cost of a homeowner water damage insurance claim is over $11,000 dollars. Besides the daunting financial implications, homeowners often lose precious family photos and keepsakes that insurance policies simply can’t replace.

Meet the WaterCop Team: Katina Goodman

At WaterCop, our people are the true reason for our success. In this video, you’ll meet Customer Service Manager Katina Goodman, learn more about her work and family life, and discover her interesting hobby that she says some people find surprising. Click the screen below to hear Katina’s story.

The Importance of Leak Detection Systems for Homeowner Associations

In any homeowner association (HOA), resident satisfaction and wellbeing are top priorities. Unfortunately, water leaks can cause significant damage to both individual properties and the overall community, making this issue one of the top challenges HOAs face. In order to mitigate risks and protect the interests of homeowners, implementing leak detection systems is crucial.

10 Home Security & Maintenance Topics Everyone Should Know

What can you do to keep your house safe, secure, and well-maintained? We’ve put together a few ideas to help you make the most of your home experience, from security to maintenance and repair, including protecting your home from water damage.

Leak Detection Systems for High-Risk Areas

Water damage can threaten the viability of almost any property, but certain locations are particularly vulnerable to its devastating effects. Hospitals, data centers, and other high-risk areas require comprehensive leak detection systems to safeguard against potential damage. These systems play a critical role in early detection, preventing or minimizing damage, and maintaining the operational integrity of these essential facilities.

Discover Benefits That Go Beyond Leak Detection

Did you know that nearly 25 percent of all homeowners have experienced significant water damage from plumbing connection breaks and continuous flow leaks? This type of preventable water damage is one of the most common causes of home insurance claims and can result in months of frustrating – and costly – home repairs.

Protecting Older Homes From Water Damage

You love your older home and where others sometimes see dated architecture and missing paint, you see opportunities to continue to improve the house that feels like part of your family. Of course, your adoration of the aging dwelling means that you have to be mindful of the ongoing maintenance that is required.

Avoid the Deep Freeze

The coldest part of winter weather is almost here, but it’s not too late to take precautions to protect one of your largest home investments you might not think of this time of year – your home appliances.